Friday, May 21, 2010

Rocky road pudding

Rocky road pudding
Photography by Ben Dearnley


You will need an 8-cup capacity metal pudding steamer.

Ingredients (serves 8)

  • 16 chocolate biscuits
  • 1.25 litres vanilla ice-cream, softened
  • 1 cup Foster Clark's vanilla custard
  • 1 cup mini marshmallows
  • 1/4 cup desiccated coconut
  • 1/4 cup granulated nuts
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries, roughly crushed
  • chocolate Ice Magic, sprinkles and silver cachous, to decorate
  • Foster Clark's vanilla custard, to serve


  1. Line an 8 cup-capacity metal pudding steamer with plastic wrap, allowing a 2cm overhang.

  2. Break 10 biscuits into 2cm pieces. Combine ice-cream, biscuit pieces, custard, marshmallows, coconut, nuts and raspberries in a bowl. Spoon mixture into prepared steamer. Smooth top. Top with remaining biscuits. Freeze overnight or until firm.

  3. Stand pudding at room temperature for 5 minutes to soften. Turn out onto a plate. Carefully peel away wrap. Drizzle with Ice Magic. Top with sprinkles and cachous. Serve with custard.

Super Food Ideas - December 2008, Page 90
Recipe by Kim Coverdale

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